We are happy to work with our clients in the Athabasca Oil Sands and we are expanding throughout the country. Our staff and clients come from the East and West Coast and represent the diversity found within Canada. We work closely with DeTect Inc., the leading prosumer Radar company in the world, with hundreds of Radar-based projects around the globe.
Wildlife Sweeps
Being so close to the wildlife and wilderness on site, it fits well to have our qualified, Professional Biologists and Environmental Technicians working under them to conduct wildlife sweeps that conform to Provincial and Federal Regulations. Our sweeps also include all relevant reporting and timelines for expiration dates of the sweeps. We mark and note significant wildlife features and offer setbacks and buffer recommendations that meet Regulatory Requirements.

Bird Deterrent Program
Our company specializes in delivering end-to-end Bird & Wildlife Deterrent programs for 3 of the 6 open-pit mining sites in the Athabasca Oil Sands region. We provide qualified Biologists to collect Bird Survey Data about landings and habitat assessments. We have Radar Technicians that operate our radar-controlled acoustic deterrents and collects data 24/7 about bird movements on site over the Tailings Ponds. Our Avian Response Teams operate skiffs and workboats to haze landed waterfowl and recover any injured or oiled birds.

Marine Operations
As part of our pond-activities, we have a growing Marine Operations division. Our team of Captains are comprised of 60-Ton Limited Masters Captains at minimum, many with experience on open-ocean and fishing and trawling experience. We work with our clients to move dredges, barges, anchors and mark any on-pond hazards there may be.